Get in Touch

We, the ERP Contact team,

have the capacity to:


Our technical knowledge combined with our ability to understand the business behind the code will come in handy if new software requirements need to be written, or, if your application still holds secrets for the users. Due to our experience we are able to identify any process errors before they might have any impact on your activity. Discovery is the first step towards making the right plan for optimization and development.


Application Support will involve monitoring, analyzing and solving system errors in real time; it also involves bug fixing, small enhancements and application customization. Our target is to help users and business analysts understand the logic behind the products they use. We make sure that all customers get what they need to successfully run their daily business.


Our development team sustains a sharp software development cycle (SDLC) that brings stability, as well as progress, to your project. This task includes: analysis, design, a high-level estimate of the change, code change, testing and also implementing the new solution into the production environment.


Our unique model of management services assumes responsibility for operations delivery. Based on its long experience as an IT provider, ERP Contact focuses on quality and operational excellence, while offering competitive pricing. The Development & Operation teams work together to make sure your custom projects meet expectations and respect deadlines.

Featured Services

Oracle BI
Oracle BI

Pursue the advantage of delivering useful insights to a larger community of users across the organization, through BI Applications.

Mainframe services

We provide full time support to keep mainframe applications up and running and bring suitable solutions for process optimization.

Website services
Web Design

Creative ideas and innovative concepts, together with smart web solutions, are our way to improve your professional image.

Recent Works

Why Choose UsWide range of technical expertise from one trusted provider

Mainframe support & development

Our programmers are experts in customization & support for mainframe software, such as IBM’s z/OS & z/VM services.

Mainframe consulting

We identify possibilities of performance improvement, indicate potential risks, assist in software upgrade, improve system management and maintainability.

Mainframe technology training

We offer a targeted portfolio of courseware featuring the in-demand languages and programs to be used in mainframe environment, such as COBOL, JCL, Assembler, DB2 and more.

Extra resource

The ERP Contact team can help you with additional resources to speed up the delivery of your projects.

Extra skills

Our wide experience and particular skills are an invaluable tool for your future projects.

Consultant systems programmer

As specialists in system and application development, we’ll find the right solution for any enterprise through its significant transformation, end-to-end.

Simplified business analytics with Oracle BI

By using BI Apps your company will deliver useful insights to a larger community of users, via dashboards, query, analysis and alerts.

Flexibility & adaptability

By being flexible and adaptable, we can set our sights on high class performance, build new skills, increase productivity and achieve our goals.

Clean, Professional and Modern Websites Design

We pay special attention to professional website design, creativity, interactivity, mobile responsive, loading speed, engagement & social media, search engine optimization.

24x7 on call service

Mainframe application support and Oracle Administration Support

Our Clients






Years support for
ON Semiconductor


average response time


Acquisitions integration
in mainframe 

Latest Blogs

Closer to the customer November 08
Closer to the customer

It's been almost 10 years within the company. 10GB… 15GB... 20GB of emails... Who knows? Who counts?

And after all this ‘email traffic’, I got to taste the air traffic. All the way to Phoenix, Arizona.


ITegrity September 19
     Before you jump in and correct my spelling, how about we make a short trip through your daily routine?
What is your ideal start of a morning? Some sweet long eyelashes winking at you and a sleepy smile saying ‘good morning to you, there’? Well, that’s a little different than the actual wake-up routine ‘You’ve got mail!‘, is it?

What People Say

Our Partners

IBM Bussines Partner
ORACLE Gold Partner
Microsoft Partner

It is time to team up with ERP Contact and drive your business to its real potential.

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